static template

A template of the error message of string type with the replaceable tags


A template of the error message of string type with the replaceable {problem}, {fix} and optional {id}, {link}, {max}, {min}, {type} tags.

By default, it's set to:

Problem{id}: {problem} => Fix: {fix}.

public static template = `Problem{id}: {problem} => Fix: {fix}`;


Replaceable tags on the template.


Replaceable by the given required fix parameter.


Replaceable by the given id parameter.

Replaceable by the property link of the given additional parameter.


Replaceable by the property max of the given additional parameter.


Replaceable by the property min of the given additional parameter.


Replaceable by the given required problem parameter.


Replaceable by the property type of the given additional parameter.

Example usage

// Example usage.
import { CommonError } from '@angular-package/error';

// Change the template.
CommonError.template = `Problem({id}): {problem} => Fix: {fix}`;

// Extend the `CommonError` class.
class TestError<Id extends string> extends CommonError<Id> {}

// Returns
// Error: Problem(AE:427): The `age` parameter is wrong. => Fix: Provided `age`
// must be different type.
new TestError(
  'The `age` parameter is wrong.', // Problem
  'Provided `age` must be different type. ', // Fix
  'AE:427' // Identification

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