static isTypeError()

Checks whether the value of any type is an instance of `TypeError`


Checks whether the value of any type is an instance of TypeError of any or the given type and identification.

public static isTypeError<
  Id extends string,
  Type extends string | undefined = undefined
>(value: any, id?: Id, type?: Type): value is TypeError<Id, Type> {
  return (
    super.isError(value, id) &&
    (typeof type === 'string' ? (value as any).type === type : true)

Generic type variables


A generic type variable constrained by the string, by default of the value captured from the provided optional id indicates the identification type of the TypeError via return type.

A generic type variable constrained by the string and undefined, by default of the value equal to undefined indicates the captured type of the supplied type via return type.



The value of any type to check against the TypeError instance.


Optional unique identification of generic type variable Id to check whether the given value contains.


The optional type of generic type variable Type that causes an error to be thrown(or not thrown) to check whether the given value contains.

Return type

value is TypeError<Id,Type>

The return type is a boolean resulting from its statement indicating the value is the TypeError object that takes the generic type variable Id as identification and generic type variable Type as the type.


The return value is a boolean type indicating whether the given value is an instance of TypeError of any or the given optional type and id properties.

Example usage

// Example usage.
import { TypeError } from '@angular-package/error';

// Define error.
const err = TypeError.define('Wrong type', 'Change the type', 'TE:201', 'string');

// Returns true.

// Returns true.
TypeError.isTypeError(err, 'TE:201');

// Returns true.
TypeError.isTypeError(err, 'TE:201', 'string');

// Returns false.
TypeError.isTypeError(err, 'TE:202', 'number');

// Returns false.
TypeError.isTypeError(err, 'TE:202', 'string');

// Returns false.
TypeError.isTypeError(new Array());

Last updated

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